Paul Enenche - Turn it Around Lyrics

Turn it Around Lyrics

Verse 1
Are you weighed down by battles in life?
Are you thinking of quitting the race?
There is no need to give up on your journey 
because I know my God will turn it around

I know my God will turn it around
I have seen my God turn it around
There are so many many many times in my life 
that I have seen my God turn it around

Verse 2
Have you suffered from disappointments?
Have some people turned their backs on you?
Just keep holding unto the One Who cannot disappoint
I know my God will turn it around

Verse 3
Are you thinking that you're all alone?
Do you feel God has forsaken you?
He has promised to keep you till the end of the journey
I know my God will turn it around

Turn it Around Video

Turn it Around Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Turn it Around: A Song of Hope and Faith by Paul Enenche


This song carries a message of hope, faith, and the assurance that God can turn any situation around for His glory. We will explore the main key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and critically evaluate its biblical foundations.

Main Key Messages of the Song

The song "Turn it Around" is filled with lyrics that convey a strong message of faith and trust in God's ability to transform any circumstance. Let's go through the main key messages of the song, chronologically, based on the lines.

Verse 1:
"Are you weighed

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